There’s a great scene from the 1996 movie, Jerry McGuire. The Tom Cruise “Jerry” character and his football client played by Cuba Gooding, Jr. are in the locker room. Jerry is pleading with Rodney Tidwell. “H e l p m e. H e l p y o u.” Over and over again. It is one of the funniest comedic scenes in this award-winning movie. I was reminded of this scene when talking to … [Read more...] about Where is your hospital grab & go kit? In a baggie, perhaps?
Retirement Resources
Why is it so hard to embrace diversity?
In this day and age, I can't help but wonder why so many people struggle with those who are different. How can we not be a more accepting people? Why don't more of us embrace diversity? February is National Black History Month and the Chinese New Year. These are two cultures that have brought so much character and depth and breadth to what is America. Why is it so hard for so … [Read more...] about Why is it so hard to embrace diversity?
Decorate the Rooms in Your Financial House
December can be such a complicated time of the year. The holidays are both stressful and enchanting. Things at work should be winding down, but often amp up to get a jump-start for the next year. Add to the mix this year: holidays during COVID-19. Now what are we up against? What is a sane person to do? It seems that everyone has decided to decorate … [Read more...] about Decorate the Rooms in Your Financial House
The CARES Act and retirement accounts: changes in the COVID-19 era
Except for the few who were born around 1918 during the height of the influenza epidemic, we’ve never encountered such a public health crisis as COVID-19. I truly hope you and all your family members are safe and healthy. And, that you are making a successful transition to your “new normal.” From my home office, I can say that my family is well and we’re slowly … [Read more...] about The CARES Act and retirement accounts: changes in the COVID-19 era
The SECURE Act and Required Minimum Distributions: New Law Causing Confusion
When it comes to retirement account distributions rules, nothing is easy. And, things just got more complicated. At the end of 2019, the budget bill had a surprise provision in it: The SECURE Act was tacked on at the end. It passed, lock, stock and barrel. Changes in the SECURE Act and required minimum distributions (RMD) were unexpected. For … [Read more...] about The SECURE Act and Required Minimum Distributions: New Law Causing Confusion