Back in 1935 when Social Security made its debut, the government had to all but force older Americans to claim their benefits. Today, the situation couldn’t be more different. Baby Boomers reaching retirement age can’t wait to get their hands on this benefit. It seems that everyone knows the earliest you can claim Social Security is age 62.
But, is that the best age for you to claim? Turns out, when and how to claim your retirement benefit is a major financial decision. The decision you make is generally irrevocable. And, the decision you make in your early 60s will impact your income in retirement in your 70s, 80s, 90s and beyond. What I’m saying here is: it’s a big deal to get this right.
Take a look at the posts in this section to learn more about this very important and complicated government program. Read the “Did You Knows” and use the helpful resources throughout.
Send me your questions and I’ll help you get an answer – preferably before your stake your claim!
You might find it helpful to get started here with my first post about Social Security. You’ll learn to navigate this complex program. And your most important resource is Social Security’s website.