Did you know that once you pay off your mortgage, you’re responsible for making those pesky property tax payments on your own? And, once your paycheck stops, the IRS will want you to make estimated tax payments. They have “quirky quarters” and missing even one of the deadlines spells interest and penalties for you. In fact, there are ways to prepare for these sticky situations that will pop up during retirement. Take a few minutes to find out more about 10 financial tasks to automate to make life easier.
Keeping up with all the financial moving parts in retirement, between trips to exotic places and fun with family and friends, is not always so easy. Or what you want to be doing. The answer: boomers and automation.
Boomers Embrace Technology
Lots of Baby Boomers (those of us born from 1946 – 1964) did not grown up with a PC on our desk or an iPad in our cribs. Yet, we’ve embraced new technology and sure spend a lot on it. Some of the younger folks call us Boomers “technology immigrants”. What? We invented the technology!
But, on the edge of tech enthusiasm is a concern about privacy and cybersecurity risks. They are real risks, but they shouldn’t deter you from automating many of your financial tasks. Once you set up these important reminders, you should find comfort in knowing you won’t miss a payment or deadline.
Retirement Daily – A Resource for Boomers
Occasionally, I have the good fortune to be a guest contributor for selected retirement publications. To kick off 2019, I wrote an article for Retirement Daily, the new retirement arm of The Street’s franchise. You’ll need to be a subscriber to read all of the tips and information out there. But for now, you can search on RetirementDaily.net for my article: 10 Financial Tasks Baby Boomers Should Automate in the New Year.

You might prefer to download the article from this link: 10 Financial Tasks Baby Boomers Should Automate in the New Year_010219
Automate in 3 Easy Steps
The honest truth is all of us who get to live a long, full life will experience some level of cognitive decline. The more we can get our financial obligations set up and automated, the better off we will be later in retirement. So, hop to, Boomers! Make it easy, in 3 steps:
1 – Read my article about boomers and automation;
2 – Check your own financial log to make sure everything is set up; and
3 – Go have some fun without the worry that you missed something important.
Download a Fun Infographic Checklist to Help You Keep Track

Here’s a quick snapshot of the 10 tasks Boomers may find helpful to automate. We have too many other things we want to do during our retirement years. Paying bills isn’t on the list.
Click on the “download” button below for a free copy of the 10 tasks to automate.