Thanks to you, my new book, What’s the Deal with Social Security for Women?, is getting noticed. Turns out, some reporters and podcasters have come calling. They are interested in Social Security for women as a topic they want to cover. I’ve had a number of exciting interviews to talk about the book. And, even more are scheduled for later in November. Above all, and more importantly, I’ve been talking about how Social Security for women really is different. And, how women can take the reins and make their own decisions.
I thought you might like a front row seat to a couple of the recent interviews and articles. Plus, I have some new resources hot off the press and ready for you. Keep reading to find links to some new Social Security checklists. You may find them helpful if you’re ready to claim your benefit.
An in-depth video-podcast with financial coach, Linda Hannon
I meet a lot of people as I have opportunities to travel and talk. (Two of my favorite things!) A short while ago I met Linda Hannon and the connection was immediate. She is a dynamic, interesting, and smart woman on a mission. From her website, Linda describes herself this way:
I’m a finance coach and all-around number nerd with an unwavering belief that we all deserve to be financially secure. I want to inspire you to be stronger, more confident, and at peace with your money.

Linda started her business, Real Family Finance, with a specific purpose: Help women understand their money. She’s doing an amazing job of it if you ask me. I may be somewhat biased here. After all, she immediately invited me to be a guest on her video/podcast extravaganza. We had a wonderful conversation.
Linda let me (and all her viewers) know that she’s a big fan of my new book. She was particularly interested in the real stories of real women throughout the book. It’s one thing to have an idea of Social Security’s general rules. It’s quite another to apply those rules to your personal situation. And get the right numbers. The stories help bring things to life.
Check out the video cast and Linda’s website. I think you’ll find some really interesting information.
A premier podcast opportunity in the Boston market
One of the biggest radio stations in the Boston area is WBZ. It’s an “all the news all the time” format, along with weather and traffic on the 3’s. I was invited to do a radio and podcast interview with Tina Gao. She’s one of the feature reporters in the Boston media market.
She read my Social Security for women book and my first book about retirement planning for women. She thought the books were very informative. Importantly, she gave her mom, who is nearing retirement, the books. Now, that is a compliment, indeed!
While I sat in a hotel room in Nashua, New Hampshire, Tina and I had a lovely conversation. She asked some excellent questions. I did my best to answer them in understandable ways without all the typical jargon. My favorite question was about “my light bulb moment”. Tina asked if I had a particular moment when I decided to write a book about Social Security for women?
It’s always clear to me why I write. I want people, and especially women, to know there is someone who will answer their questions. Without judgment. Getting Social Security right is no easy task. If I can help more women, we all win.
Helping Financial Advisors understand the differences in Social Security for women
I occasionally write guest columns for financial advisors. The editor of Advisor Magazine is a fan of mine. In a recent article, I addressed how Social Security for women is different. And, how financial advisors can answer women’s questions about Social Security in more understanding ways. The result was a by-lined article for the October issue.
Much to my surprise, the editor selected my article to be the lead story for the October edition!
Even though the article is for financial advisors, I thought you might like a peek. In it, I explain why Social Security is indeed different for women. You can read the article at Advisor Magazine. Then, let me know if you agree.
New Social Security for women checklists now available
In this age of all-things-digital, it was fun to reference my blog in the new book. I mentioned there would be checklists available. Notably, the purpose is to help you claim benefits when the time comes. The first two such checklists are now available:
Download your free copy if they fit your situation. In addition to these two, Single Women and Surviving Spouses checklists will be coming soon.
A heartfelt thank you to all who ordered my new book
Above all, I’m sending kind regards to those who already ordered my new book. Among others, let me give a shout out to my dad. He mentioned that he bought “several” copies to hand out to his friends and colleagues. He calls it “bragging rights.” My in-laws put a signed copy in their retirement community library where they live. And, one of my dearest girlfriends let me know she’s giving copies to several more friends. They could use the information to make smarter Social Security decisions.
It truly warms my heart that you are supporting my creative book writing endeavors. Thank you so very much.
As I mentioned last month, if you like the book, please write a review. You can post it on Amazon or Barnes and Noble. As a personal thank you, I will be happy to spend Social-Security-fun-time with you. We’ll have a one-on-one Social Security conversation about the decisions you’ll be making.
Looking forward to hearing from you on the blog.