It is always fun to go to other parts of the country. I get to talk to people about what they envision doing in their retirement. But something is always different when it comes to talk about retiring in California.
Many Boomers unprepared for retirement
In many cases, people have no idea what they will do in retirement. Or how they will fill their days. They are somewhat baffled when they try to think about how their days will be structured when they aren’t sitting in meetings. Or racing against a deadline.
Other people have given their days in retirement some thought. Bar far, the most common answer I hear is, “I’ll be traveling.” Well, unless you are planning to travel for 365 days a year for 25 years or more, you might need a few more things to occupy your time!
Another popular idea is volunteering. Sometimes they know the organization where they will spend volunteer time, but mostly, these pre-retirees just like the idea of volunteering. They will figure out later who can use their talents.
Boomers retiring in California are different
It is most interesting when a person has something thought-provoking in store for retirement. I had the opportunity to talk to many folks in California. Let me tell you, they are were enthusiastic about retiring in California. This is the paradise state. And they love it here.
Some plan to move from northern California (NorCal) to southern California (SoCal). This way they can continue to enjoy the many perks of living here. (No one mentioned earthquakes as a deterrent at all!) Some have some fascinating ideas for how they will spend their time in retirement including time outdoors. And focused on health.
Many ideas for retirement included the following
- Fishing – Several outdoorsmen look forward to spending more time fishing, sometimes fly fishing, other times brook, stream or lake fishing.
- Organic farming – Popular in northern California, some folks will turn to farming in retirement.
- Birding – Spending time out in nature is easy to do in California, with great weather all year long. One couple wanted to spend part of their retirement exploring different areas of the state to research various birds and their habitats.
- Open a Pilate’s studio – Many Californians look forward to doing more health-focused activities, from biking to hiking to serious backpacking. One woman was turning her interest in Pilates into a business.
- Welding – I didn’t expect to hear this answer, but how interesting. One gentleman was going to close out his current career in a management position and change his hobby of welding into Part 2 of his career.
- Writing a book – This comes up as a retirement plan for a few. One woman had a different take: she’s going to read books in retirement!
- Netflix – A few folks were honest enough to admit that they were looking forward to some downtime once they retired. They wanted to sit on the couch and binge-watch shows they’ve missed and catch up on years of movies. (A few even mentioned how much they missed Oprah now that they were getting ready to retire and would have time to watch her show if it were still on.)
A curious discovery along the coast
I also discovered something curious while driving from NorCal to SoCal. Of course, the breathtaking beauty of the Pacific Ocean as you round a bend on the highway is incredible. But I noticed strange things on the beaches in Ventura County and other places south of Santa Barbara. What were they?
When I found a place to pull over, I did so. And lo and behold, they were RVs! Many RVs of varying sizes parked in a long line facing the ocean surf. I couldn’t believe you could drive your “home away from home” right up to the tide. This might just be the best view and experience you can have on the beach!
I can’t imagine that I will become a bird watcher or welder in retirement. However, I am all of a sudden surprisingly attracted to the idea of retiring in California. I could drive up and down the California coast in an RV and park on the very edge of the Pacific Ocean. My girls will be horrified. Hope my hubby is game for this retirement adventure!
What are you planning to do when you retire?
For More Information:
Retiring in California sounds idyllic after suffering through another brutal winter in New England. Would you entertain the idea of living in or traveling around in an RV? Turns out many retirees do just that. Check out these interesting articles:
Check out some basics of RVing before driving up and down the West Coast shore!
For specific details about RV hook-ups, showers, and “facilities”, check out this very informative site.
For a great place to start planning your RV trip, start here.
There are even RV parks for the 55+ crowd! Check this site for more information.