Women can plan the best parties, host terrifically fun family get-togethers and make the holidays memorable for one and all. There is no reason to think we’ll be doing anything less in retirement. But, we need to plan for more than the party. Take a look at the free budget planning guide developed for just how women think about their lives and families.
Furthermore, as we think about all that we’ll do in retirement, it’s critical to get a handle on how much all of those activities will cost.
Spend some time thinking about each month and what you do for your friends and family. And how much it really costs. There is nothing wrong with continuing the traditions or starting new ones. The bottom line is you’ll just need to know how much to budget for the fun.
Download the “Budget Planning Guide.” Jot down some of your initial thoughts and estimated costs. As you get closer to retirement, you’ll need to be a little more detailed in your estimates. But for now, it’s important to just get started.
In addition, women control spending on a global level. Nearing $25 Trillion in the next few years. Read this Harvard review to see how powerful our spending might be.