Birthdays are full of favorite people, presents, and treats. Everything from balloons and streamers to ice cream cake with the chocolate crunchies in the middle. So, it can come as a shock upon reaching the glorious age of 50. All of a sudden, birthdays now take on a whole new meaning. They become important dates and many are retirement birthdays. Reaching certain, specific ages mark milestones for getting ready for and living in retirement.
So, do you know all of your most important retirement birthdays and milestones that are important for retirement income? Some are imposed by the IRS. Some come about from your employer’s retirement savings plan. And, others are tied to the entitlement programs of Social Security and Medicare. You might reach a milestone this year, or not until 2028. The most important thing is to know your own dates and get them on your radar.
Download a free copy of key birthdays for retirement
To make it clearer and easier to find your own retirement birthdays, download the attached 2-page PDF. Here you’ll get a full list of those important dates that will impact your retirement. From the earliest date – your 50th birthday – all the way to age 72 when you must take required minimum distributions, you’ll get a good look at those dates that matter.
Grab a pencil, get out your markers, or update your smart phone calendar. Note these important ages and dates for you, or for you and your spouse or partner. Whether you are planning to retire or not, there are many important dates you need to know about and pencil in.
You won’t want to be the one who misses key dates and then is frustrated at the consequences for missing deadlines!